Monday, February 5, 2007

Research update 2/5

I sent Becky my Human Subjects Proposal to submit to the IRB office today. I hope she gets it there. I want to begin a dialogue with myself about where I am in the project and what I need to do--a Writer's Review of sorts. I will probably update and add to this post over a couple of sittings (since I have to go in a minute), so I'll keep track of updates with version numbers.
This is version 2--posted 2/6 12:00 PM

I am a bit overwhelmed by this proposal. It seems like it may be overly complex given that I am researching four different subject populations and gathering data using two different data instruments. At this point, I need to do some research on these two methods. I came across a mention of a Handbook of Qualitative Researching Methods, and I think I need to get it. I know that I will need to learn more about both techniques--surveys and interviews--to make sure that I don't make mistakes and that I get good productive data. I've already begun a review of reflection and the scholarship on reflection, so that I can better design questions as well as interpret results. Since we don't have a heavy reading load this week, I think I want to search out some of these texts on researching. Trinity library here I come.

I am also worried about my timeline. How long with the IRB approval take? How will I hear when I have been approved? Here is my rough sketch of the timeline:

2/15--interviews with WPAs
3/1--complete survey instrument
3/9--have students and instructors complete surveys
3/9-20--analyze surveys, design interviews, IRB second round approval
4/1--interviews with instructors and students
4/15--write up results done
--This timeline needs definition and refining.

My next step needs to be preparing for my interviews with the WPAs. I plan to hold each one in TTU MOO, so I need to begin prepping the questions (I think they are set pretty well in the HSF proposal) and then the kinds of views towards reflection I might code their responses in (if coding is the word). I also need to begin NOW setting up the mechanics of the survey. I have until March 9th or so to get this set up. I also need to find the link to the TTU curriculum again.

1 comment:

Prof Santoy said...


As I've read your proposal I have wondered what theoretical approach you will use. It is clear what the methods you are using are but will you use any of the methodologies which we are covering in class? Will you work that out later as you begin to gather information?


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